
Dragon magazine 332
Dragon magazine 332

dragon magazine 332

*Pugilist: Combo, Heavy Hitting, Iron Jaw, Shake it Off. *Knight: Hard Charge, Jousting Charge, Staggering Gait, Vicious Mount. Replace first level feat with +1/5 levels on attacks/damage. Proficient in one martial or exotic weapon of your choice. Loses Martial Weapon, Medium and Heavy Armor, and Shield Proficiency. *Horseman: Quick Turn, Share Shield, Spur, Steady Hand, can't use medium or heavy armor. *Fencer: Encouraging Blow, Denigrating Banter, Insurmountable Counter, only uses light armor and bucklers, gains skills.

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*Exoticist: Dazzling Display, Exotic Attack, Strange Strike, Loses Martial Weapon Proficiency, gains four Exotic Weapon Proficiencies.

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*Corsair: (One of these for free at L1&2): Climb-Fighting, Rope Movement, Slow Fall, Swinging bull Rush, Big Breath, Ocean Tangle, only uses light armor, different skills *Commander: Helpful Hints, Rousing Speech, more class skills *Bodyguard: Cover and Clear the Path, more class skills Specialist Fighters (Can only take certain fighter feats as bonus feats, but can also exchange bonus feats for bonus abilities and gains or loses proficiencies) *Thorns (Every attack deals +1 damage and is piercing 1 level) *Sticky Sap (Attackers must make strength checks to free their weapons 5 levels) *Poisonous (Gains a poison attack +3 levels) *Oakenbough (Strength +2, Constitution +2 +2 levels) *Mirrored Bark (+2 AC vs Rays, +2 Reflex vs Spells/SLAs 2 levels) *Growth Spurt (Increases to large size 3 levels) *Eldritch Fibers (Overs DR/Magic 1 level) *Distracting Pollen (Create concealment cloud 2 levels) *Cactus Spurs (Grappling deals damage 1 level) *Blunting Mold (If attacks, attacker's weapon deals half damage until cleaned 3 levels) *Bioluminescent (Glow in the dark 1 level) Plant Companions (New abilities that cost progression in your animal companion's secondary bonuses) *Weaponmaster (+2 Craft(Weaponsmith), do not need a free hand to cast spells while holding deity's weapon) *Warrior Priest (Sudden Quicken 1/day for a spell targeting your weapon, shield or armor) *Wanderer (Knowledge(Geography), Knowledge(Local), Speak Language and Survival are class skills, Endurance as bonus feat) *Theologian (+2 Knowledge(Religion), +2 vs Divine Spells while holding holy symbol)

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*Shaman (Animal companion of half your level) *Scribe (Gain Scribe Scroll, make scrolls for less cost) *Sage (+2 Knowledge(Religion), can reroll Knowledge checks) *Relic Hunter (1+Wisdom to Reflex vs Traps and Knowledge(Dungeoneering), Search are class skills) *Mystic (One extra spell per day one level lower than your maximum) *Justicar (+2 Sense Motive, Creatures you drop to negative HP automatically stabilize)

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*Healer (+2 Heal, casting healing spells on other people gives you +2 Sacred AC/+2 Concentration to cast defensively) *Fanatic (+2 Intimidate, 1/day True Strike) *Evangelist (+2 Diplomacy, 2/day Comprehend Languages, 1/day Tongues) *Cultist (+2 bonus on Bluff, immune to spells that discover lies such as Discern Lies) No Turning (Cleric variants, all these replace Turning at L1) *Evangelist: Domains and more domains, also has spontaneous casting like sorcerer, including spells known *Crusader: +4 bonus vs enemy god's worshippers, turn enemy's worshippers instead of undead, Bonus feats, Smite *Benevolent: Can spontaneously convert spells into a wider range of spells, Luck rerolls as per Luck domain power several times per day. *Aspirant: Gains ability to spontaneously convert one spell into another a limited number of times per day, divine counterspell, Shield of the Divine (Bonus AC scaling with level) *Arcane Disciple: Gains one arcane spell every level from the bard or wiz/sorc spell list one level lower than your maximum and gains all the spells of the Magic domain automatically. *Ancestral Speaker: Gains divination-type bonuses, does not need a Divine Focus, Resurrection spells cause target to lose less experience, bonus on skills interacting with spirits Faces of Faith (Variant divine casters that count as Cleric levels and have clerical casting, but have different class features)

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